Saturday, March 31, 2007

Language in Blogs??

a gOOd swEEt buDDy Woei-Woei 2day knocked me harD on d HeaD *oUcH* n commenteD dat my language in tis blog (previous earLier postS) iz like 'sellin my voCab over d head'.. oucHHiezz! reaLLy?? aiKzz.. but but.. er.. shud i blog like d waY i chaT?? craZzie n swaY like tiZ?? can't deNy dat it's certainly mO easY-goin wif tis kindA languAge.. hMM.. on 1 hand, i shud b mo relaXXX n churnin out wordS as theY ooZie ouT fr d edGe of my sticKy brain 011100010 10100010001 000100000.. non-stoPP dat iS.. on d other hand, i waS thinkin i shud blog wif 'proper' UNIVERSAL language... is there 1 actually?? haha.. not in d last thousands of yearS as far as i remember... as time goes, d mo we talk, d mo others got confused!!!#_#.. anyway, paradoXx as it is, i was wif d thoughT dat properly-wordEd english shuD stand d TesT of time.. {cos i predicteD d cyberworLd is here to staY! ouch, sucha rocket sCienCe, *dun slaP me pls* hehe}.. but opeN-hearteDly i eValuated her 'pieCe of mind' n came 2 d ConClusion dat i DO shuD sumtimes 'gO wif da flOw' >> like tiZzZzZzZzZ.. shaLL let d mOOd dictateS oKie?.. now tis comment fr Woei-Woei iS certainLy gonna leaVe a smeLL in my future bLoG postS.. but i do hoPe it's a smeLL dat many can relate tO *sniFF sniFF* - 'hopefully like properly-worded English'

Real-time Blog??

I can't blog real-time!! I have some catch-ups to do if I want to capture a few more events or happenings in the first quarter of this year. And I want to do that just to have a full-year account of what happens for the year - and how it matches against my resolutions, what I set out my life would be for 2007. So there will be a few postings tracking back events which I deem meaningful or interesting enough to reside in this cyberworld.

It's already coming to April, I regret that I started out so late. But at the same time I'm grateful that I did kicked this blogging off. All thanks to my buddy Junee. I've known her for some time but never did I know she blogs too! That's just so not-buddy. But do understand that certain people blog not for 'mass public viewing', so there is no point of 'commercialising' it. I do believe some bloggers' intention is to communicate with aliens instead of human beings. At least their thoughts are 'new' to other beings and advocate a different perception. Could it be that civilized humans are too boring as blog-readers? They think the same thing and react the same way.

'Society seems to be too obsessed with speed that life moves on faster than the experience'. So I'm blogging to slow things to a meaningful level.

Real-time? (( S l o w e r. . . . m a y b e ))

Inspiration: Determination & Excellence - Aligned!

070328; 22:30: You knew it when something strikes right on the spots. Ideas are everywhere, all over the place. But when you have two 'naked' souls picking up the bits and pieces and form a solid base, then you knew life has got a bright spot to reach for.

This happened over a take-away meal of fried rice, Fuchou beancurd, red wine and a little cut pieces of Edam cheese. Coupled with a few net exploration, a project on-hand, and a long-kept idea, a plan flourished. Key points such as 'Mommy's love', 'happy kids', 'momento', 'Grandpa spoils it', 'props', 'reflections' were churned out. Excitement were heated, the light was shone towards one direction - 6 months from now. There shall be a structure we can stand on.

As long as there are Determination and Excellence, the bright spot is just hovering above the head...

**Nope, it's not a family shot.. just a coincidental shot that depicts pretty closely to what was inspired - just so deceiving! haha

The Virgin Post

The weather does a lot to trigger one's poetic juice. This happened in one of the lazy afternoons when life was not crazily fast-paced (as the previous weeks) and time gets to rest in a slower but steady 'tick-toks'. The new year seems so near (didn't it just happen??), yet the celebration in actual fact has died down quite some time ago. Guess a lot of thinking, 'reviews' and reflections happen during this time of the year....

Sky's gloomy, yellow burning hue of silhouette
Rain drizzles, gentle drops of loneliness
Soft thunder echos liberty
Cool yet warm breeze resides
Afternoon dreams, seek for lost time...
and eternity